This Procrastinator’s Way of Staying Accountable

Blog post

If you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know 2019 is meant to be my year. I launched this blog in the latter part of 2018 chock full of positive inspiring messages to be fearless and amazing! I was gonna blog consistently and honestly. I was gonna connect, engage and keep at it…..

Sad to say reader, I haven’t kept at it as well as I should. 3 months into 2019 and I have only 3 posts to show for it…I’ve been consistent on IG, I’ve been taking awesome photos, engaging with a wonderful community and worked with some great brands. It’s been great so far but I’ve been neglecting my blog and not writing much as I planned to. I’ve spent a great deal of time pondering why that is….then realized I’m going down another procrastination rabbit hole. Yes, dear reader, I’m a world class procrastinator.

I’m full of ideas and the best intentions but when it comes to execution, I freeze. I suddenly have an uncontrollable urge to play some time-wasting repetitive game on my phone. I check my inbox a million times. I hop on my social media a million times a day. I internet shop like it’s going out of style…..the list goes on and on! The sad part is, I know I’m procrastinating but I can’t seem to help myself!

That’s why I’m writing this post. I promised myself I would do things differently this year and that includes how I deal with my procrastination. How? By finding as many ways as possible to keep me accountable. If you’re like me, with a track record of procrastinating and not following through on your passions. This is for you. Here are some ways I’m keeping myself accountable, I help this helps you too:

1. Now is Right Now

Exactly what is says on the tin – Now is Right Now! This is a mantra I’ve said to myself for a very long time. I have no idea where I came across it but it’s always resonated with me. Whenever I find myself falling into a procrastination funk, I print this statement out on paper and stick it next to my desk or change the screensaver on my laptop or phone to this very statement.

So after the little one’s been tucked in for the night, household tasks are done, I’m all settled for the evening and it’s time to write….the procrastination devil rears its ugly head and I find myself lifting my phone to browse IG for the hundredth time and BAM! I see ‘Now is Right Now’ and I slowly put down my phone and get to work.

2. Speak Your Dreams into Existence

Tell your friends, family, whoever you trust what you’re trying to do, your goals, your dreams. Put it down on paper or like me, on a blog. You’ve put it out there and now you have no choice but to act. Speaking or writing it down makes it more real, more tangible. If this doesn’t motivate you, the fear of not having an update to share might motivate you even more! You’ve said you wanna be a runner, a blogger, a designer…so what are you doing about?!

3. Change How You View Yourself

I’m a dreamer. I’ve always been. I’ve built worlds in my head that I immerse myself in all the time. That’s one of the reasons I’ve always loved fantasy and sci-fi. Recently I realized that I’ve gotten used to keeping ideas and aspirations in my head. Because I’m both paranoid and scared of sharing. But I’ve come to understand that I can change. I’ve decided that I am a doer. I will no longer just dream, I will do. Sarah Ban Breathnach’s quote sums it up perfectly ‘The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.’….I’ve decided to see myself as a dreamer who does. Inaction is out of the question.

4. Don’t Throw in the Towel at the First Hurdle

So you’re not doing a great as you hoped. Case in point, my blog progress so far. You dust off your pants, jump back on the wagon and make up for lost time. In the past, I would have thrown in the towel. I would have said ‘we’re 3 months into 2019, why did I think I could do this?! Oh well, maybe this blogging business isn’t for me’ but no, not this Chinny! I’ll look at screensaver ‘Now is Right Now’ and get back at it. Understanding and accepting I’m gonna come across more hurdles but I’m gonna make a habit of getting right back up and getting on with this blogging business.

5. Putting My Money Where My Mouth Is

I definitely don’t know everything and it’s clear to me I need to learn. It’s difficult to throw in the towel when you’ve invested actual money into your passion and that’s what I’m doing. I’m taking online classes I would never have spent money on. I’m investing in going to events and building a network. Every penny that goes into my passion forces me to be accountable. If I’m spending money, I better have something to show for it. I have my little one’s future to worry about it!

6. Rock Solid Support System

This is key. You don’t have a support system? Find one. Online, offline, it doesn’t matter. It’s so much harder being accountable on your own. For me, my friends and family have made a world of difference.

My uber supportive husband not only inspires me but also takes over childcare duties when I have to step out to create content last minute or otherwise – he loves our little one dearly and enjoys every second with her but I would get some major side-eye if his weekends were tied up for nothing.

My dearest friend Dee of has also made a world of difference. She inspires, supports and keeps me accountable at every turn. I honestly don’t think this blog would exist if she wasn’t in my life. She is truly a godsend and I don’t take having her in my life for lightly.

I’m also very lucky to have a wonderfully supportive family. My sister comments on literally all my IG posts, my brothers cheer me on at every turn and my mum went from a lurker to an active IG user just to support me….my dad has no idea what IG is so let’s leave him out of this 🙂

I also have countless friends and relatives who lift me up and support my every effort. I know I’m truly blessed and I don’t take any of this for granted. I intend to make them proud!

Here’s the Ask

This post is essentially an ask to my lovely readers to keep me accountable. Accountable to write and share at least 2 to 3 times a month. Yes, I’ve put it out there, now I don’t have a choice but to deliver. Feel free to hunt me down if I fall off the wagon again and embarrass the heck out of me!

Let’s make this our lil accountability space, hop on my comments and share what you need to be held accountable for, let’s band together and support one another.

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